About Me

Hello! My name is Nova "Rella". If you found me through the Tattoo Zoo website, please be advised that this blog does not represent the opinions, views or feelings of the shop, it's just a personal blog.

Here's some stuff about me:

My interests revolve around funny stuff, tattoos, cats, dogs, photography and languages. I live with my boyfriend, his 2 kids, a cat and a dog in Victoria, a small city on Vancouver Island in Canada. I work in a tattoo shop there. I would love to be a writer some day. Maybe. Or something else.

This blog is kind of a photo-dump area...I love taking pictures and never know what to do with them all! If you want to know more about me and my life, please check out "Might As Rella", where I talk about such interesting subjects as how terrible it is to take the bus, things I discover about the cameras I'm learning to use, things I find on the internet, cute animals, tattoos, funny conversations, blogging and my personal life.

Or just stick around and check out the pretty pictures!